Pre-Kindergarten Program
Westbrook School Department / Opportunity Alliance Pre-K Program
We are pleased to announce there are openings in The Opportunity Alliance Westbrook Head Start / Public Pre-Kindergarten!
Applications will be received until April 15, 2024.
Enroll today! Call: (207) 553-5811. Interpreter services are available.
We now have two classrooms at Congin Elementary school:
The program is FREE.
Your child must be 4 years old by October 15
You must be a resident of Westbrook.
Your family must meet Head Start income eligibility requirements.
We employ High Quality Teachers.
Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks are provided
The Opportunity Alliance assures non-discrimination in all aspects of program participation in conformance with Federal regulations. No one will be denied access to any aspect of program participation because of age, sex, sexual orientation, race color, religion, national origin, handicap, veteran status or political affiliation or belief. Some of the services described here are partially funded by the Department of Human Services.